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The Sultry Lies of Quinn West - Chapter 9

The Sultry Lies of Quinn West - Chapter 9

Quinn politely and hurriedly left the massage shop, collecting herself and double checking she was all in one piece as the brightness of the shopping centre overtook the soothing atmosphere of the massage shop. Feeling revitalised, a wave of arousal that perfectly remained with her aesthetic, a convenient coupling that would have been the dream of any person around her, in their basic inner desires.
Quinn, in her moment of sultry being, decided to do some shopping for erotic lingerie that would compliment her just about tameable libido, ready for the pleasure she would demand of herself. 

The sex shop sat on the corner of the row of shops to the east side of the centre, the area not so bustling with activity as turkish hairdressers and mobile phone repair shops were strewn across the walkway. The front of the sex shop only hinted at titillation as mannequins advertised the not so daring garments, the toys were kept at the back of the shop, along with the DVD's and the novel adult party gifts. Quinn's intentions were more urgent and lustful than the initial impression the shop gave off, a fire within her that unwillingly refrained from burning its house down.

Making her way to the display of bra's, she glanced around to check no prying eyes would observe her browsing the items on display. At eye height, the lingerie that could inspire anyone to enjoy an evening of carnal abandon filled the rails of the display. She knew the exact thing to go for, her sexual experience riveting through her thought processes. A bright teal blue bra and panty set quickly made its way into her basket, a quick visit round to the dildo section added a suction cup dildo, plentifully girthy and ready to satisfy.

The door slammed, accidentally, on purpose, as she traipsed to her bedroom, taking her clothes off and excitedly collapsing on her bed, breathing a sigh of relief that she could finally let herself enjoy pleasure as she spread her legs.

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