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The Private Life of Jenna: The Resolve

The light in the hallway flickered as the kettle clicked, the water just reaching boiling point, a short stay at the accommodation block for the quarterly breakfast with the board of directors, which commanded flying abroad for a weekend. The TV, that sat at pillow height on a set of drawers opposite the bed, quietly showing the evening news, Jenna entirely bemused that only the national broadcaster was available in the selection of channels.

The flight back to England was ahead the next day, still dressed presentably, from a day that went from a breakfast to an entire 12 hours of informal meetings and exchanges of phone numbers and emails. She threw the tea bag into the mug as she poured the boiling water, a drink to trick her brain into sleeping, her body clock so messed up that a stimulant helped ease the nerves.

Her phone had finally stopped lighting up, the notifications turning into a confused and sedate blur as the will to care or be aware, in case someone she talked to during the day wanted to get a hold of her, now a relieved sensation. The last sip of the tea was close, with the deadline, just after midday, for her to be at the airport edging closer, nothing seemed to be enough.

Her new sleeve tattoo, politely hidden during the day, being teasingly revealed as she undressed, the curvy figure, resting in eroticism with no eyes watching, no less she knew the show she was putting on. The room was mildly humid, commanding that she get into bed with only her knickers, now changed into a more comfortable set, bringing no doubt of her exuding control over herself, as thoughts of pleasuring herself, fleeting in and out of her consciousness.

As the monotony of the night continued well past what was tolerable, Jenna sighed as she put her hand on her stomach, a move of despair. Without inspiration she went to touch herself, a flood of empty arousal lays in the background. As she started masturbating, a subtle warmth that lacked fantasy came over her, that moment her nipples became erect, her love nest loosening and allowing her to free herself from the confines of the uncomfortable feeling before. Jenna feeling playful and warm, as she massaged her breasts, cheekily moaning as she came. 

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