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This Evening

This story is for you to read, to get a back story, and you can create your own fantasy. Any thoughts or comments please use the comment section, all comments are reviewed before publication.

The walk feels longer, as the sunset turns the way out of the town centre, a dusky yellow. It is our two year anniversary, I carry a black paper bag, with bright pink string handles, the lingerie I would love to see you in, is carried within.

As I walk down the narrow path, through a short cut everyone knew, I see a message on my phone, from you. A sense of excitement tears through me, you announce that you've got all the ingredients from the supermarket for a filling, delicious meal. I never say a word about the lingerie, but I know how you love to surprise me in any situation, I guess by the time I am through the front door, it will no longer be a secret, as you are well familiar with the naughtier parts of town.

You are already home, as I can see the lights still on, it is now becoming quite dark and chilly, I cannot wait to get inside and enjoy the warmth with you, even better, the warmth of your heart.

I let myself in, the smell of spaghetti bolognese and the pleasing aroma of a healthy portion of garlic bread, instantly makes me feel at home. As I take my shoes off, you come into the hall, wearing the dress, I secretly think, that you secretly think, I cannot resist. We sit down to dinner, you didn't notice the lingerie bag that I hid away when I took my shoes off, as I can tell you are eagerly awaiting for me to reveal your anniversary treat.

With the meal drawing to an ever increasing close, the question, I can see is showing in your eyes. I go and get the bag, the seductive garments still neatly stored. I hand you the bag, you look at me typically, you know all too well. how I come up with creative ways to initiate a love making session.

You place the bag on the table, carefully taking out each piece, a seductive black bra, adorned with dark royal blue padding, you truly are going to be my queen tonight, a lacey black pair of panties, with a thin red bow at the waistline. I can see you look confident, as you pull out a pair of stockings with ruffled tops. Within an instant, we are in the bedroom.

You ask me to wait outside while you slip into something more comfortable, a short agonising few minutes later, you open the door and seductively lean against it, asking me to come forward as you grab the tie I was wearing this evening and pull me towards you, I cannot remember the next few seconds as all I know is your lips pressed against mine as we kiss.  

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