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The Least I Could Do

The sun scorched down as the tarmac in the small, packed away car park, absorbed the rays and warmed our feet, the cardboard boxes filled with anonymous bric a brac, edged closer to all moved in. The summer had been one of temptation, everyone wearing as little as they could, with some leaving little to the imagination, as I notice, now more than ever, how your curves make me blush, the big advertisement at the clothes shop, the beautiful lady selling sex appeal, like deja vu.

The last two boxes saw us go together, side by side, down the path to your flat as I can see the joy in your eyes that we'd finally moved you in, a favour I did to pass the time, my car, pride and joy miraculously had enough room in the back to do the job in as reasonably a snag free manner as possible. I know you will undoubtedly want to reward me for my work, I prepare myself for all manner of offers, from money to a trip into town one night, or maybe you'd let me come round one evening for a meal, nothing had been ruled out as I put the box down in your living room. A relieved sigh as you put the box on top of the one next to the doorway to the hall, I finally relax as I get my breath back.

You go to open the window, the stand up fan in the living room already on, not quite enough to cool the room, nearing midday, the heat had definitely set in. You invite me to sit down, the TV in the corner of the room comes on, still not stood on a stand, it can wait until all the homely furniture is accounted for.

I can see the thankfulness in your eyes, a caring glow as you playfully thank me for the past few hours work, making the trip up and down the main road, "how about a blowjob?". I recoil, a thousand thoughts race through my mind as I had never realised you could even use that language. I am stunned, my body not responding in any other way, the only thing I know is the question before me and the desperate race to think of a response so it doesn't seem weird.

"Well? It's the least I could do, today and your help have charmed me, why not complete the day with an afternoon of lovely sex?", you remark, not sure whether to be amused by the unorthodox wording or aroused by this situation, I'd only ever seen it on TV. You put your hands on my jeans as I unzip my zipper

My cock easily comes out as you tease it with your fingers, I've never known getting hard this quickly before, as I secretly beg you to take it. A few cheeky giggles, the rest of the world no longer exists as it feels as if I am in a dream. You lick and gulp my cock like its a work of art, that will only ever be seen once as I fixate on your almost perfect breasts, resting on my lap as you go down on me. I never knew this could feel so good, a secret desire that I rather astutely reserved for fantasy. Soon enough, as my penis feels so hard it could burst, you give a final few masterful tongue massages and you know the favour is returned, I knew from then on you loved the act.  

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