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Dinner Guest

The sky turns a golden dusk, the heat of the day turning into a calming warmth, my cheeriness created by our little messages to each other throughout the day. Time passes, interspersed with little surprises, your interest in me disguised as cheeky selfies and engaging messages with maybe a few too many emojis.

Today was the first real day off for me, still on call for any sales enquiries, luckily my employer had scraped by the pandemic and lockdown mostly unharmed, much to my relief, so many not so lucky. I decide to finish work for the day an hour early, rarely did a client call past two pm these days, I dig out my cookbook at four pm, the air outside smelling sweet as we approach summer, as I throw out another empty bottle of beer.

The bolognese simmers as my phone bleeps again, another WhatsApp message from you, this one more cheeky than the last, you ask what I’m doing this evening with three kissing face emoji’s. I am taken slightly aback as we’d only been introduced through mutual friends at the socially distanced walking group a few weeks ago. My nerves creep in, I haven’t had much in the way of romance and my approach is naive and cautious, spending an evening with you is just what I need after this year, I begin to feel nerves shake inside me.

My finger wanders over the keyboard on my phone screen, my mind probably thinks too much about the response, I play it cool and just say dinner is just about done. I put the phone down and stir the pot, my mind instantly anxious for your response, feeling like the longest few minutes of my life, the noise of another bleep loud as it ceases the anxiety.

A selfie and a message followed, the selfie being slightly more suggestive than the others, a little more revealing, you ask to come and see me, you say you are bringing a little bottle of wine and asked if I wanted anything alcoholic from the garage. I take you up on the offer and ask for some lager, to which you gladly agree.

Two plates of spaghetti bolognese all served up on the kitchen side, one so spacious I don’t need a kitchen table, however I went to the expense of buying two bar stools, backed with real leather, should I have any guests. A knock at the door follows with a pleasant greeting, a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Seems like nothing before we sit down and tuck into our meal, bottle of wine opened and poured, you are surprised that I’m the type of person to have a real pub glass for my lager on hand.

We bond intuitively and easily, a conversation about work, our goals and what’s happening in our lives, the night is perfect and I would be perfectly happy to see the night end as it is. The night draws on with increasing affection, I notice the wanting in your body language, truly on a level of commitment and attraction.

Not long before it is me touching and caressing your body in my bed, en-passioned french kissing with your stomach sinking into the lust of your wet pussy. My finger sliding down your knickers as you let out a hot moan, your breathing heavy as we take each other’s clothes off.

Your arousal amplified by the mental stimulation of our conversation, you touch me all over without guilt, like I am that one dessert you felt you needed, pulling me against you to feel the warmth. Only a small interlude needed for me to put the condom on, I come back like the cloud that indulges. I re position us to make it easier for a fuck, the bottom of your stomach tingling as I insert myself, unbearable when I’m fully in and beginning to thrust.

The humidity between us is hellish but oh so beautiful as we move, the natural-ness of our bodies complimenting one another puts this sex among the best you ever had. I kiss your knock, shoulders and breasts in just the right places to make you leak wetness  that makes it easier for my perfectly sized cock to leave your legs shaking.

You gladly submit to me as there’s only one way this can go, the promised orgasm as the bed creaks and the headboard bashes against the wall, you beg me to not stop, bringing out an animal in you that had only been seen before on a porn video you’d watch when you felt a little unsatisfied. I lean upwards and thrust straight in with only my bottom moving, holding your legs and putting both over one of my shoulders to increase the intimacy down below, to which all your buttons are being pressed.

I start to get sweaty, only natural as you do shortly afterwards, no time to turn the heating down as your breasts ripple against every thrust, I push your legs apart to come down and lick and suck your nipples, ever since we met your boobs had been perfect in my mind but only now do I get to serve them. 

The sex starts to get frantic as you get close to cumming, the feeling down below cannot cease to happen as you suddenly get very wet and I see the pleasure ripple through you as you shake, ten seconds of ecstasy of which you don’t respond to anything else. 

Both of us shattered as I feel the emptiness in my body, you’ll be welcome round for a meal any time.

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