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The Cataclysm

The audacity of the time, an unfair sacrifice in the comfort of a prison, two weeks away with your family in the cramped mobile home. The dull warmth of boredrom, away from the fresh air, the scent of wild lavender ever so transient with the grass as the wind would breeze just before the weather got warmer. Evenings around pre packed garlic bread cooked with spaghetti bolognese and board games that passed the time in a monotonous fashion, still, the time with family was a relief from all the stress that had occurred over the past few months. 

It is the morning of the day you get ready to leave, maybe fresh faced yet unfulfilled, the shower after breakfast cleaning your slate for the ravaging you don't even know yet exists. The boot of the car slams shut and clicks, three hours go by, seperated by a stop to get a few drinks at the service station. The joint ache as you lift the two suitcases to your front door, you know it won't be long before you'll be free, given in and willing to let loose, your mind diluted into a cloud.

Soon home, you know it wont be long before I get home from work, the mornings post that hadn't been collected as I would leave before daybreak, neatly sorted on the table and compose yourself, comfy clothes cosied on the sofa. A tinge of anxiety works it’s way in, the wonder of what I’d been up to the past fortnight, you always mused on the wondering of my mind, the safety of your belief I would never stray, only starting to be moved.

The buzzer in the hallway sounds, you effortlessly press the unlock button for the security door, natural excitement fills, an eager opening of the door and we soon share a hug, the relief feels like a weight lifted, like a white lie being believed.

The secret lust you hold, being held in, you just want the pleasantries to pass as a flame only warms but never burns, excruciatingly. The quick dinner, due to lack of preparation and your eagerness, lands us sat on the sofa staring into the TV, the latest binge watch social media fad, before our eyes on Netflix.

A little closer you come, I read your non verbal clues and I suddenly feel horny, without us saying a word the sexual tension exudes immensely, automatically frantic as we move to the bedroom. The mood in the room drops as your unapologetically curvaceous body begs and reaches for mine, our clothes off quicker than never before, you sigh in ecstasy as you see my long, thick cock, hard for you.

You fall and spread on to the double bed, you never associated with any kinky titles, but you have totally given into submission, your legs spread and raised, your pussy perfect in arousal, I sigh as it would be entirely rude to not leave you spent.

My cock feeling excitingly blissful, as you show no sign of holding back, gliding in with the purely natural wetness, your breasts feeling warmer as your nipples enlarge. I begin thrusting as the pleasure is instant and simply enjoyable with nothing getting in the way, the sex unashamedly graphic and lewd, I wonder if your fantasy of someone walking in on us would come to light, but you were always one to keep your secrets hidden.

The weight of me on your skin is felt by both of us, as I start to feel the burn, beneath me the angel delight of the body I wanted, and fantasised for, whenever I’d come and see you in the office to hand my time sheet in. The bed barely holding us as the headboard shakes and slams against the wall, I start to sweat as it is becoming hard not to cum, I pull out as you beg me to start fucking you again, I remind you of how hot you are as I have a break, the beautiful agony on your face as you finger yourself to keep it going.

I become hard again and ready, you welcome it with a gasp and a moan, the sharpness of the moan excites me, you couldn’t bear to be denied an orgasm, your tiptoe into the world of domination was one that left you wanting more.

Seemingly out of nowhere, we become in tune with each other, I rise to the challenge of a hard, energetic fuck as your wetness drips and the abandon of lust consumes you, I had never seen you like this before. You gasp tremendously with an even bigger moan that makes us both cum, your pussy feeling softly empty with the drops of wetness that lessened the more we lay next to each other. Your mood and release lasts many days into the future, before the next time you defy the stress with a decadent trip, over me.

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